Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Report: Contractors fight over NSA data center delays

The Wall Street Journal's Siobhan Gorman reports that "contractors working on a new National Security Agency data center in Utah are fighting over the causes and responsibility for electrical failures that have caused construction delays costing up to $50 million, project officials say."

Earlier this month, the newspaper revealed how "the NSA's Utah Data Center, which has become a symbol of the agency's potent surveillance power, has been hobbled by the electrical failures", which resulted in a heavily publicized series of fiery explosions.

"The lead contractor on the project says it has uncovered the cause of the explosions -- a defect in electrical switches provided by a subcontractor -- and is installing a fix," adds Gorman's report. However, "outside investigators from the Army Corps of Engineers, which is overseeing the $1.4 billion construction of the center, say the contractors' explanation, and proposed fix, remain unproven."

Full story:  Contractors Fight Over Delays to NSA Data Center (online.wsj.com)

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